Saturday, July 9, 2016

Slag Valley Bullett #9


Staff here at The Slag Valley Bullett have been informed that the newsslate in it's current format is to be expurged.  In an attempt to create a new more vibrant readership a new strategic plan is being forged by attracting more readers by publishing articles from other periodicals from Gholam Jhites media empire. Newer more vibrant advertisers are also being sought out. The management team here at Slag Valley vow that the quality of our reporting will remain high and that we will not be printing salacious articles for the titillation of the masses. In further news here at SVB are delighted to have purchased a motivation servitor to add a little of the Emperors wisdom to our articles. Welcome to MS56784/877#Q, long may he enthuse!
Yours Sincerely
Buxtone Crebstalker, Editor. 

Mutants Run Amok!

Syndicated by The Wheatmaker's News, Argle City, Nora
Written by Sput Tramsig

An image of the alarming mutant.
The good people of the village of Twowagons were treated to an awful ruckus when approximately 30 armed ruffians chose to enter into a shoot out amongst themselves shortly after dawn last week. A large number of mutants and abhumans were confronted by humans wearing garb that did not look like it was from the local area. All three groups were indiscriminate in their firing and Widow Glass had two slates damaged and a startled Oxrat. Goodwife Lilitha managed to photograph one of the mutants who seemed to be heavily mutated. "I do hope they don't come back to ravish us against our will!" she remarked. It is believed that there were two fatalities during the skirmish. No inhabitants of Twowagons were injured.  There has been a sharp increase in reported nightmares from women the the settlement and also male ED. An Ecclisiarchy investigation delegation has been dispatched.

+++++Martyrdom is it's own reward++++

Slag Valley Bullett #23

  Bad Boy Commissar Causes Stir Braggs Vaingloire Newly qualified Commissar  Braggs Vangloire has recently caused controversy due to his ado...