Saturday, June 1, 2024



Following a tip off from a reputable source, our investigation team has gained access to a series of disturbing top secret documents showing our beloved Imperium in an altogether more sinister light. Now we at the Slag Valley Bullett do not condone unsubstanciated gossip, but these two official memos have to be shared!



To: Colonel Roger "Jolly" Ringveld , D'Keddes IV Regiment From: High-Preceptor Elias Morvane, Adeptus Administratum Compliance Division Date:  0084023.M423 Re: Inadvisable Consorting with Xenos


Recent intelligence reports relayed to this office indicate a troubling trend regarding your command. It has come to our attention that troops in your regiment have engaged in unsanctioned and deviant contact with non-human females of an as-yet-unidentified xenos species. Furthermore, there are concerns that your lax oversight has contributed to this issue becoming widespread.


The Adeptus Administratum and our Holy Inquisition allies view this behaviour as a grave threat to Imperial purity and a potential source of heretical corruption. The Ordo Xenos has expressed interest in investigating this matter to ascertain the true nature of these xenos infiltrators.

  1. Spiritual Contamination: Consorting with xenos breeds doubt and weakness of faith. The alien, especially in its female form, is a vector for insidious corruption, perverting the righteous souls of the Emperor's soldiers.
  2. Biological Threat: Alien physiology may harbor unseen pathogens or insidious parasitic organisms capable of compromising even the hardiest Catachan constitution.
  3. Tactical Vulnerability: Emotional attachment or, worse, deviant infatuation with xenos undermines battlefield clarity. Mercy granted to a foul alien is a betrayal of the Emperor.


  1. Cessation of Contact: All interaction with this alien species is to cease immediately. Any instance of fraternization will be dealt with swiftly and severely.
  2. Quarantine & Interrogation: Personnel suspected of contact with xenos females will be isolated and subjected to Inquisitorial scrutiny to determine the extent of any potential corruption.
  3. Exemplary Punishment: Severe sanctions, up to and including summary execution, will be enforced to deter further violations. Your own compliance will be reviewed pending this ongoing investigation.


The galaxy teems with xenos filth, Colonel. Your duty, as is the duty of all loyal Imperial servants, is to purge such abominations, not consort with them. Should further transgressions occur under your watch, the full weight of Imperial authority will be brought against you.

The Emperor Protects, High-Preceptor Elias Morvane (Dictated but not read)

Art servitor image (servitor was subsequently liquidated),

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Slag Valley Bullett #22

 Slag Valley Welcomes New Enforcer Proctor

The Slag Valley Bullett staff are delighted to announce that Beadiaii Wormspag-Khandle has been appointed as the new Enforcer Proctor for the Slag Valley Precinct. Beadiaii is originally from Hive Quinitus and has spent 18 years wielding his power maul in the name of the Emperor. He comes from the respected Wormspag-Khandles family from Krablokistan that were partially deported from their homeworld on account of their over active fanatical devotion to the law. We asked for a statement Beadiaii Wormspag-Khandle said "I am very mush looking forward to meeting the good people of Slag Valley and it's surrounding settlements. I hope there will be very little call for me to deploy my power maul on it's populace. Unfortunately it is invariably necessary to set an example swiftly to ensure standards within the area don't slip, but rest assured any injuries inflicted will be non-malicious.". This will surely usher in a new era of lawfulness and adherence to civil ordnances and a vast decrease in unsanctioned protesting.  

New Mammal Consumption  Establishment Opened

Former outlaw and Bushwakker gang member 'Limpy the Loser' has opened an al fresco mammal consumption restaurant called Limpy's Diner. Limpy was a notorious enforcer for the Bushwakkers, so much so that the Psi Judges doubled the bounty for him several years ago Slag Valley Star #2. Since then, the former criminal has 'gone legal, like' and decided to make some honest credits. When interviewed he stated "I was on the run for a while, found a new purpose in working with unfortunates that had no grub and decided to help out by opening a cut price eaterie for the poor.". He went on "I hope to start a chain of Limpy's all over the hive, and who knows maybe even further afield!". What is also worth noting is that Limpy rehabilitates former gang fighters and general underhive scum by giving them gainful employment. A prime example is Little Nug former enforcer for the Short Fuses a fairly unsuccessful gang made up entirely of fighters under 122cms (4 Terran feet) who is now Limpy's head chef/bouncer. When interviewed he simply stated "I am delighted with the second chance I have been given. I certainly do not intend to go back to poisoning, that's definitely the wrong way to go!". The team here at SVB certainly wish the new eaterie every success in the future.

Bizzaro The Sentient Cat Spotted In Warzone

Recent unsubstantiated sightings of Bizarro the sentient cat have once again set his (?) fanbase into a frothing frenzy. Bizarro, was the star My Pet Controls Me on dodgy box channel 17 (Slag Vallet Bullett #8 ) and was later reported to be in the vicinity of Tarmac Hill and Waldo's Reconstituted Fish Parlour (Slag Valley Bullet #10 ). Now it is believed that the feline with the ability to mentally domineer Iglok and Murgo Nonce, has been seen on the planet Gruesome Discovery in the Scargill system. What is more remarkable he was sighted during a vile xenos raid that was resisted by astartes from the Blood Angel chapter of Space Marines. Sadly, despite said Blood Angels being the Emperor's finest, the xenos (thought to be Aeldari of some type) were victorious and a horrific bloodbath ensued. Following this revelation several questions have come to the fore; how did Bizzarro leave Necromunda unnoticed? Did Bizzarro play some part in the defeat of the Blood Angels? Most importantly, has the reward for Bizzaro's returned increased?

Spyre Hunters Denial

Several possibly mythical Spyre Hunters
Despite thousands of first hand accounts and many more gruesome murder scenes, a spokesperson for the Governance of Uphive Notions of Terrorism (G.U.N.T.) have hinted they are no longer willing to acknowledge the possibility of Spyre Hunters. Gaston De Flámbe has stated that G.U.N.T. are going to consider legal action if baseless claims continue to be levelled at the nobility. He stated "I'm  not really sure what the fuss is about. I don't think a few high spirited youngsters 'slumming it' downhive is really much of an issue. Surely the letting off of live ammunition that may accidentally cause inconsequential deaths isn't a big problem is it? To be honest I don't even think organised Spyre Hunts is anything other than a collective figment of the imagination or even an urban myth.", 

Classifieds; Wanted; access to interstellar craft capable of reaching Gruesome Discovery, Scargill system. As this is a rescue mission entirely funded by donations, payment will be made in congratulations and friendship. Contact Agatha Freep, Bizzaro The Sentient Cat Fan Club, Delusion Parade, Slag Valley.

Limpy's Diner aka The Dead Rat Eaterie would like to announce a 2 for 1 offer on all sludge shakes and a 15% discount on rat legs in promethium sauce. Limited to 3 per customer. Just head on over to Limpy's Diner, Cramps Lane, Slag Valley. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Slag Valley Bullett #21

Caryatid Assassin 'On Loose'.

Reports are coming in of an unaffiliated Caryatid in the Lower Skunkton hab area going around shooting prominent members of the Underhive. As these native hive dwellers are invariably known to be peaceful, there is much debate as to whether the security camera footage is reliable or indeed if the being filmed is actually a Caryatid at all. Alleged victims of the diminutive winged possible murderer include, Sepsis Mulgoon proprietor of the Carpeted Anvil, a cubicle renovation business, and Turpiscicord Kakk, semi retired axe thrower and bassoon turner.  Local wildlife expert Beardie Specs does not believe that an errant Caryatid is to blame. "These wonderful creatures are peaceful and rarely even hiss at people. I suspect either some sort of small mutant is responsible, or even a mind control device is being used on it.". One thing is certain, until the being on the footage is apprehended, there will be more media hype leading to hysteria and innocent creatures being shot. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Slag Valley Bullett #20

Abhuman Pit Fighter Causes Moral Dilemma

By Cuckold Stranglethorpe IV
Fans of the arena fights around Golgan's Pit are facing something of a moral quandary as a Squat newcomer is causing mixed feelings amongst spectators. The rookie fighter; Skargii "Grey" Headwallop has caused quite a stir since arriving in Bnoxxi Halfarm's fighting stable. Halfarm has be quoted as saying "Skargii's a good lad, eager to learn and has a great temperament. We had a bit of aggro with some spectators with anti Squat signs but after he accidentally decapitated a sign holder whilst signing autographs there seems to be fewer protests.". His recent bout against the much fancied Torgol Hammerknuckle ended in a TKO when Hammerknuckle failed to leave his corner when he could no longer field his arm.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Slag Valley Bullett #19

Mass Prison Breakout

By Spatch Puberty
Warrior Woman,Ox Fingers,Rocket Girl,Hero & Wheels.

Animal, Schaeffer, Shiv. Demolition Man, Brains & Scope.
 Military personnel have escaped from the infamous Niem Vat military prison raising embarrassing questions within the Planetary Defense Force leadership. A source close to the PDF office has stated that "At 19:72 hours a crack commando unit was sent to prison for a crime they claim they didn't commit. These men (and women) promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade and are believed to have reached the Lost Angles underground sewage network". The group were incarcerated for a variety of crimes from property damage to willfully discharging live ammunition at  targets feet. Incorrect stowing of Departmentum equipment has also been mentioned. The group all use pseudonyms all bar their leader Colonel Hannibal Schaeffer. The group is thought to be armed and extremely dangerous. The group is thought to have received assistance from the an unknown source. A statement from a Planetary Defence Force spokesman Murgo Plonmpqvist had this to say regarding the breakout "In my day, we dint let our criminals escape from the military, oh no! Hanging for first offence led to a 0% recidivism rate. Damn recidivists, giving the PDF a bad name". In an attempt by Imperial codifiers to adequately process the breakout status and subsequent captures the escapees have been assigned the code-name Team 'A'.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Kinnockian Periodical News


By Semper Excreedius (acting editor)
Following what appears to be a total lack of newsworthy occurances in the entirety of Hive Primus and having such dedicated reporters working here at the Bullett, we have decided to publish in full a copy of the Kinnockian Periodical News. We would like to assure our loyal readers that, our news team has vowed to redouble our efforts in hunting down news, and this current issue is not just a copyright infringement that due to the relative distances between Necromunda and Scargill,  it is unlikely to result in legal action. We would also like to state that this issue was definitely not the panicked result of a junior editor finding a copy of the Kinnockian in a waste receptacle at the spaceport.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Slag Valley Bullett #18

Special Scargill Cleansing Souvenir Issue!

With the announcement of a large ill equipped and poorly led force of Orks invading the Scargill Sector, this issue of the Slag Valley Bullett is devoted to aiding the war effort for our brave Astra Militarum recruits killing the heathen xenos on our behalf.


Editorial Following a tip off from a reputable source, our investigation team has gained access to a series of disturbing top secret documen...